Prof. Sohini Kar-Narayan FIMMM
Professor of Device & Energy Materials at the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge
Fecha: 24-04-2024
Hora: 14 h
Lugar: Aula A.06 Ada Byron
Prof. Sohini Kar-Narayan is Professor of Device & Energy Materials at the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge since 2018, prior to which she was appointed as a University Lecturer in the same department since 2015. She received a BSc (Honours) in Physics in 2001 from the University of Calcutta, India, followed by MS (2004) and PhD (2009) in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Following a postdoctoral appointment at the Department of Materials Science in Cambridge, she was awarded a prestigious Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship in 2012, marking the beginning of her independent research group. Prof. Kar-Narayan is interested in functional nanomaterials for applications in energy, sensing and bio-medicine.
Prof. Kar-Narayan was recognised as one the Top 50 Women in Engineering of 2021 by the Women’s Engineering Society. She was the recipient of a World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award and an ERC Starting Grant in 2015, and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2023. She was elected Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IoM3) in 2022. She is a Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge, and was Director of Studies and Bye-Fellow of Homerton College Cambridge from 2012-2018. Prof. Kar-Narayan was featured in the Emerging Investigators issue of Chemical Communications (Royal Society of Chemistry) in 2018, and was invited to deliver the IOM3 Liddiard Memorial Lecture in 2015. She was awarded the Cambridge University Students Union award for «Innovation in Teaching» in 2022. She has received two departmental teaching awards, and she is a Wellbeing Advocate at Cambridge University.
Prof. Kar-Narayan is Co-Founder and Director of ArtioSense Limited, a spin-out from the University of Cambridge that seeks to commercialise a microfluidic force sensing technology for applications in precision orthopaedic surgery, which was awarded the Armourers and Braisiers’ Venture Prize in 2022.
Prof. Kar-Narayan is also Associate Editor of Applied Materials Today.
The world is becoming unprecedentedly connected thanks to emerging media and cloud-based technologies. The holy grail of metaverse requires recreating a remotely shared world as a digital twin of the physical planet. In this world, the human is probably the most complex mechanical, physical, and biological system. Unlike computers, it is remarkably challenging to model and engineer how humans perceive and react in a virtual environment. By leveraging computational advancements such as machine learning and biometric sensors, this talk will share some recent research on altering and optimizing the human visual and behavioral perception toward creating the ultimate metaverse.
Qi Sun is an assistant professor at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (joint with Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for Urban Science and Progress). Before joining NYU, he was a research scientist at Adobe Research and a research intern at NVIDIA Research. He received his Ph.D. at Stony Brook University. His research interests lie in computer graphics, VR/AR, vision science, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. He is a recipient of the IEEE Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award.