2025/04/09 14h – Del sensor al diagnóstico: cómo la IA transforma la detección temprana de enfermedades cardiovasculares – Patricia Gómez Valiente


Patricia Gómez Valiente Solutions Architect at IDOVEN Fecha: 09-04-2025 Hora: 14 h Lugar: Aula A.06 del edificio Ada Byron Bio Qi Sun is an assistant professor at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (joint with Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for Urban Science and Progress). Before joining NYU, he was a … Leer más

2025/04/02 14h – Innovar para curar: el viaje de Corify Care desde la investigación hasta el paciente – Andreu M. Climent


Andreu Martínez Climent Associate founder & CEO of Corify Care SL Fecha: 02-04-2025 Hora: 14 h Lugar: Aula A.06 del edificio Ada Byron Bio Qi Sun is an assistant professor at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (joint with Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for Urban Science and Progress). Before joining … Leer más

2025/03/26 14h – Experiencia personal de emprendimiento en ingeniería biomédica – Pedro Moreo Calvo

Pedro Moreo Calvo Doctor en Mecánica Computaional. Cofundador de Ebbers Biomedical Fecha: 26-3-2025 Hora: 14 h Lugar: Aula A.6 del edificio Ada Byron Abstract The world is becoming unprecedentedly connected thanks to emerging media and cloud-based technologies. The holy grail of metaverse requires recreating a remotely shared world as a digital twin of the physical … Leer más