Helen Byrne
Professor of Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford
Fecha: 30-10-2023
Hora: 9:30 h
Lugar: Sala de Juntas del Edificio Betancourt
Helen Byrne is a Professor of Mathematical Biology at the University of Oxford, with over 25 years’ experience of developing mathematical models of biomedical systems. She has played a significant role in defining the foundations for mathematical oncology, publishing pioneering work on multiscale and multiphase models of tumour growth and angiogenesis. She was awarded an Advanced Research Fellowship by the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2000-2006) and the Society of Mathematical Biology’s Leah Edelstein-Keshet prize (2019) and became an SMB Fellow in 2020, in recognition of her contributions to mathematical biology. She now holds a joint appointment between the University of Oxford’s Mathematical Institute and the Oxford Branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research.
The world is becoming unprecedentedly connected thanks to emerging media and cloud-based technologies. The holy grail of metaverse requires recreating a remotely shared world as a digital twin of the physical planet. In this world, the human is probably the most complex mechanical, physical, and biological system. Unlike computers, it is remarkably challenging to model and engineer how humans perceive and react in a virtual environment. By leveraging computational advancements such as machine learning and biometric sensors, this talk will share some recent research on altering and optimizing the human visual and behavioral perception toward creating the ultimate metaverse.
Qi Sun is an assistant professor at New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (joint with Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for Urban Science and Progress). Before joining NYU, he was a research scientist at Adobe Research and a research intern at NVIDIA Research. He received his Ph.D. at Stony Brook University. His research interests lie in computer graphics, VR/AR, vision science, machine learning, and human-computer interaction. He is a recipient of the IEEE Virtual Reality Best Dissertation Award.