Master of Biomedical Engineering
The structure of the Master's degree consists of 90 ECTS, of which 30 are for the Master's thesis. Of the remaining 60 ECTS, 30 are compulsory (12 ECTS of complementary training, from which some students will be exempted as explained in criterion 4.2 of the Master's verification report, and 18 ECTS of compulsory Master's subjects) and 30 are optional. In any case, the duration of the Master's programme will be 90 ECTS, of which 78 ECTS will be at Master's level.
Compulsory subjects: 30 ECTS
The 30 ECTS of compulsory subjects are divided into a biomedical training module (12 ECTS of the subject Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology and Therapeutics), which has the character of complementary training, and another technical training module (18 ECTS, corresponding to the subjects: Biostatistics and Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing and Biomechanics and Biomaterials). The complementary biomedical training module provides students with basic training in anatomy, physiology, pathology and therapeutic methods, and introduces them to the types of biomedical problems that can be solved using engineering techniques, as well as the language in which they are expressed. The Technical Training module, on the other hand, aims to provide students with the technical foundations necessary for in-depth study of the engineering techniques required to solve the problems posed by their research.
Elective subjects: 30 ECTS
The remaining 30 ECTS correspond to optional subjects (specialisation module), which are grouped around two specialisations or in-depth specialisations: "Biomechanics and Advanced Biomaterials" and "Information and Communication Technologies in Biomedical Engineering", with subjects that are common or transversal to both specialisations. The electives of the specialisation module are grouped into five electives, which are "Biomechanics, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Technologies", "Nanomedicine Technologies", "Information and Communication Technologies in Biomedical Engineering", "Horizontal Technologies" and "External Practices". The offer of optional subjects will be based on an analysis of the subjects currently offered, and may be modified according to demand and teaching capacity, so as not to exceed the maximum number of optional subjects established by the University of Zaragoza regulations (which currently corresponds to a ratio of optional subjects of 2.5, i.e. an offer of 75 ECTS).
In addition, and as an option, students will be able to undertake external intershipsof a maximum of 6 ECTS credits in the specialisation module, which will give students the opportunity to undertake biomedical engineering interships in hospitals, companies in the sector or research centres.
Master's Thesis: 30 ECTS
The degree is completed with a Master's Thesis of 30 ECTS.
The organisation of the degree is consistent with the need to specialise in some of the skills of Biomedical Engineering. The division into two specialisations corresponds to the two major blocks into which the skills of the degree can be divided, and is necessary in view of their horizontal nature and the diversity of the skills conferred by the different entry qualifications.
In accordance with Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July, which amends Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which regulates the organisation of official university education, and the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), established by Royal Decree 1027/2011, of 15 July, the following basic competences are guaranteed in the field of Biomedical Engineer
CB 6. Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
CB 7. Students should be able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments in broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their study area.
CB 8. Students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
CB. 9. Students are able to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and reasoning behind them clearly and unambiguously to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
CB.10. Students have the learning skills to continue their studies in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.
In addition, the following general competences related to biomedical engineering will be ensured:
CG.1 Possess the aptitudes, skills and methodologies required to undertake multidisciplinary research and/or development in any area of biomedical engineering.
CG.2 Use engineering techniques, skills and tools to solve problems in the biomedical and biological sciences.
CG.3 Understand and critically evaluate scientific publications in the field of biomedical engineering.
CG.4 Be able to learn continuously and develop independent learning strategies.
CG.5 Manage and use bibliography, documentation, legislation, databases, software and hardware specific to biomedical engineering.
CE.1 Interpret observational or experimental biomedical data, characterise relationships between them and evaluate hypotheses about them using appropriate statistical tests.
CE.2 Apply, evaluate and interpret the most commonly used statistics in biomedical research, epidemiology and clinical trials, and assess the performance of diagnostic and prognostic indices.
CE.3 Understand and apply methods of algebra, geometry, differential and integral calculus and optimisation to design and evaluate solutions to problems that may arise in the field of biomedical engineering.
CE.4 Use and evaluate computer tools for statistical calculation and numerical simulation in the field of biomedical engineering.
CE.5 Analyse, formulate and evaluate the kinematic and dynamic behaviour of the musculoskeletal system.
CE.6 Identify, apply and evaluate material behaviour models for the range of behaviour of different tissues (bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, vessels, etc.).
CE.7 Model and quantify basic aspects of biomaterial surface interaction with cellular organisms.
CE.8 Be able to model and evaluate the mechanical and physico-chemical properties of metallic, polymeric and ceramic materials with biocompatibility.
CE.9 Understand the origin of key biological signals and be able to develop applications for analysing and processing them.
CE.10 Understand the main medical imaging modalities and be able to develop applications for medical image analysis and processing.
CE.11 Be able to independently prepare, present and defend before a university board of examiners an original work that solves a real problem in the field of Biomedical Engineering, synthesizing and integrating the competences acquired during the degree.